One of Durban’s hottest actresses and TV presenter exports, Carishma Basday was honoured at the 7th annual KwaZulu-Natal Young Achievers Awards in Durban, for her contribution towards the performing arts sector in the province.
The annual awards event, which is an initiative of The Rural Youth Development Foundation – SA representing the youth of KwaZulu-Natal, was set to honour the SABC3 Mela TV show presenter with a Honorary Award for Performing Arts, Dance and Entrepreneurship – for the role Basday has played in flying the KZN flag high, and for the continuous contributions made towards the development and empowering of the youth in KwaZulu-Natal and beyond, through her innovations.
The award was bestowed by the KZN Young Achievers awards Chairman, and Isilo Samandla His Majesty the King, and the KwaZulu Natal Government .
Basday, who regards this award as “a prestigious honour”, says its wonderful to be recognized for the work that she does.
“Being in this industry with all its ups and downs has always been so worth is because there is always the hope that through this work I am touching someone’s life and inspiring people even in the smallest of ways.”
She adds “It is often through someone else’s eyes, when we are recognized and acknowledged even in the smallest of ways, that we are able to recognize our own greatness, I aspire to serve as that pair of eyes, as many have served as mine, not only the youth but everyone who is following my journey.”
For the past six years Umvithi the Rural Youth Development Foundation-SA, volunteer committee, founders, sponsors and stakeholders have presented four very successful awards to recognise young people in their province KwaZulu-Natal, who go an extra mile to make a difference in our province.
Basday, who also teaches yoga in her spare time and commutes between Cape Town and Durban these days, she was also set to film a new movie in Durban. She is “happy to be home for a little while” and is excited to work in her home province.
“It is always so wonderful to be back in KZN, always surrounded by sunshine and smiles, its something in the air that really feeds my soul. And to be able to shoot a movie here which tells such a profound story and showcases Durban in such a beautiful light is so special.”
For more information about this talented actress and TV presenter visit her website:
Actress, TV presenter, model and yoga teacher Carishma Basday can currently be seen gracing TV screens every Sunday on Mela on SABC3. This Indian actress, originally from Durban has worked and lived in Cape Town since 2009. She has starred in a number of SA and UK productions and was also the English voice to Oscar winner Marion Cotillard in the movie, Taxi 2. Carishma is also a qualified yoga instructor – having obtained her 200 hours experience in India, and now gives yoga classes and lessons in Cape Town. She is an avid traveller and wanderlust flows freely through her veins, she delights in experiencing new cultures and being a complete foodie. Carishma also has a deep love for animals and nature and works closely with charitable organizations like WWF and DARG.
The KZN Young Achievers Awards ceremony platform is a powerful platform for acknowledging youth in the province, for networking, relationship building and the development of a healthy minded, educational and economic sense of togetherness, and proudly social cohesive Kwa-Zulu Natal.
The KZN Young Achievers Awards is a “network of ideas and brand new initiatives” The project aims to promote youth transformation in fostering awareness and pride of our multi-cultural diversity. The aim is to unite all races across district communities, to acknowledge, honour and appreciate young men and women who are ambassadors for change in the communities.
RUAN: As one of Durban’s hottest actresses and TV Presenter on Mela SABC3 where did your love and passion for acting start?
CARISHMA: I guess I have always had a love for entertaining, telling stories and just evoking an emotional reaction in people. My parents enrolled me in dance class when I was 4 and then I enjoyed it so much the decided to give speech and drama classes a try and the rest is history I guess. The fire for acting was really ignited in high school where I had an incredible drama teacher who enabled us to learn so much and put on these really incredible theatre productions and I knew then that this is what I had to do for the rest of my life.
RUAN: What would you say jour journey has been like thus far in the industry?
CARISHMA: It’s been an absolutely incredible journey. I have hand so many ups and downs and its all helped me to grow and become stronger and more enlightened and a force to be reckoned with in this industry. I love that I still learn and grow each and every day. You have to deal with a fair amount of rejection in this industry and isn’t pretty at the best of times but it’s the greatest catalyst for growth.
RUAN: A lot of hard work goes into being an actress and well presented presenter, what would you say are the key elements in excelling as well as you have to date?
CARISHMA: Ultimately it comes down to having passion for what you do because that’s what will get you through the tough times and let me tell you what this industry is relentless and if you’re in it for the wrong reasons it will eat you up and spit you out real fast.
RUAN: Being on and off screen what are some of your beauty and fashion tips and secrets?
CARISHMA: For me my mantra has been invested in the basics. Strong healthy body and good skin and hair. At the end of the day its all about you, you have to feel good in your own skin and no designer label or makeup trend can do that for you. I invest in good skin and hair products as excessive styling and makeup on set can really take it out of your skin and hair. I also go for regular facials and hair trims. I also eat really well and try and workout as much as possible, I have no interest in being skinny or maintaining a certain weight I just want to feel and look strong and be physically ready for anything that comes my way.
RUAN: How do you manage your busy schedule on a daily basis?
CARISHMA: Sho… I can’t say its easy! I constantly have a million things on the go at the same time, there are times when I wish I had a PA but honestly I’m too much of a control freak when it comes to work and I want to do it all myself so that I know its done to my standards! (Insert monkey with hands over eyes emoji) I honestly just take it one day at a time, I’m a complete A-type personality when it comes to work so I like to be very organized, I make lots of lists and I have the calendar on my phone and an actual diary just to doubly make sure I don’t miss anything! I’m also getting good at saying no to things that don’t serve me in any positive way, which really helps to streamline things and make sure your energy is focused in the right places. I also have an incredibly supportive husband who makes sure I’m fed and that I get at least a few hours of sleep after working 16-18 hour days.
RUAN: If I gave you the option of moving back to Durban would you or is Cape Town what you would like to call home now?
CARISHMA: Oh how I miss the warm weather and water of Durban but I have to say Cape Town is most definitely home now. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else I adore this city and the life that my husband and myself have built here. My parents still live on the South Coast of KZN and I try to visit often so I’m a very lucky girl because I get to have the best of both worlds I guess.
RUAN: Not only are you an actress but also a TV presenter, what would you say you prefer or enjoy most?
CARISHMA: I love being a TV presenter as I get to meet the most amazing people and experience the most incredible things but Acting is definitely my number one passion, it is something I feel so incredibly called to do. I love telling stories and stepping into different characters’ shoes, there’s nothing quite like getting to learn and grow in a different world on set. Also I get to play make believe and dress up everyday – what more could a girl ask for!
RUAN: You are also a yoga teacher would you say this has helped you stay focused and in shape?
CARISHMA: Yoga has been an incredible grounding and centering force in my life. I think I was very neurotic before I discovered yoga. My practice continues to give me new perspective each day, I am grounded in gratitude and trusting myself enough to speak and live my truth. Yoga allows you space for incredible self discovery buy also encourages self love and kindness which is all so important as an actress, you cant step into another character until you know who you are and in an industry that can be brutally harsh its always good to learn to me kind and gentle with yourself.
I have always been pretty strong growing up as a dancer and athlete in many different sports but yoga has taken my body to the next level, I am the strongest I have ever been.
RUAN: What can we look forward to from “Carishma” in 2018?
CARISHMA: There are so many exciting things to look forward to in the near future. I just shot a feature film called Deep End where I take the lead role and a girl who wants to become a surfer! It’s such an incredible movie and I can’t wait for it to be released later this year. I also shot a local movie called Bhai’s Café and then also shooting another very exciting project that I can’t say too much about just yet.
I am also going to be traveling quite a bit so for those of you who love following my adventures there’s some exciting stuff coming up.
RUAN: If you could give yourself a hashtag (#) right now as you see yourself today. What would it be and why?
CARISHMA: It would be a toss up between #watchthisspace and #allthemagic because there is so much still to come, really this is just the beginning and honestly my life is filled with a ridiculous amount of magic which I am grateful for each and every day.
RUAN: A lot of hard work goes into being a excellent actress & TV Presenter. What advice would you give to our youth who would like to follow in your footsteps?
CARISHMA: It sounds cliché but love the craft, work hard, stay humble and don’t be afraid to fail.
RUAN: On which social media platforms can we continue to support your journey on?
CARISHMA: You can find me on twitter, facebook and Instagram, but I have to say Instagram is definitely my favourite and I love interacting with my instafam ☺
Facebook: Carishma Basday
Twitter: @carishmabasday
Insatgram: @carishmabasday