Ruan Scheepers is a personal blog that caters to both men and women between the ages of 25 – 45. My blog is a personal Lifestyle blog that focuses on events, media and all things lifestyle that goes along with it. The aim of my blog is to leave readers feeling inspired, with an open mind in knowing that there is nothing wrong with being a little different and unique. Besides the blog, www.ruanscheepers.co.za is active on various social media networks with a loyal and organic following, making it the ideal platform for advertising your business or product.
I am always happy to hear from brands and PR companies and offer the following opportunities via www.ruanscheepers.co.za and my associated social media channels.
I charge a set up fee to host these, which includes a blog post with photos, links to your site, promotion via my social media channels and Facebook advertising plus the database of entries if required. Competitions are well received and stats are provided on completion of the campaign.
I love being invited to events and try to make an effort to attend all events I am invited as long as they will be interesting to me and / or my readers. If I do attend a blog post will be at my own discretion and a blog post is not guaranteed – this is mostly determined by how interesting it will be for my readers to read about.
Place Reviews:
I am open to visiting restaurants, spas, hotels and guesthouses, ideally the greater Kwa-Zulu Natal area (unless flights are covered in which case I will go anywhere!) Please note a review on my blog will be honest, unbiased on my personal experience. Please note that free services will never compromise my coverage. If I don’t like the experience or results, then I won’t cover it. I will always disclose that I was invited to enjoy the experience as a guest and did not pay for it.
Product Reviews:
I am more than happy to test products for myself, my home or my family, however, due to the fact that this blog is not just essentially a product review blog, and the sheer volume of requests I receive, I cannot guarantee a blog post for every item I am sent. I also prefer to write or vlog about what I love and keep things positive around here, which is why you’ll find my reviews are positive and I won’t feature products I hate. Of course if I love the product I will definitely write or vlog about it.
Alternative ways I might make mention of your product is via a photo or mention on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I try to mention each product I receive to review on one of these platforms. If I do a post about it I will disclose that it was received for review purposes.
If you are interested in having your product reviewed please read the terms below:
All advertising, reviews and PR opportunities should be in line with who I am as a brand (and my personal ethos) and I will use my discretion about which opportunities I am willing to promote and participate in.
I will keep all review products that are sent to me.
Currently, reviews are not charged for but this is subject to change at the discretion of the blogger.
Reviews will take up to 2 weeks to appear on the website to allow for time to use, photograph and write about the product.
Reviews will be shared via the usual social media channels.
Video Reviews are at the discretion of the blogger but are available upon a request for a fee. These will be posted to YouTube and shared via the usual social media channels as well as appearing on www.ruanscheepers.co.za
I abide by word of mouth marketing standards – honestly of relationships, opinion and identity. Even though the author may receive compensation for posts or advertisements – honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products are always expressed.
The views and opinions expressed on my blog are purely my own. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. However, when compensation has occurred, the content or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored.
Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
My brand Ruan Scheepers is not responsible if you do not like a product we recommend. I am not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics.
My Ruan Scheepers readers value my opinion and I only write honest reviews. To ensure my integrity with my readers I will not write anything in a review that my readers will not be able to rely on 100%.
To ensure that my readers do not lose confidence in me all product reviews are at my own discretion and I reserve the right to refrain from reviewing a product that I do not wish to recommend.
It is always a nice gesture that www.ruanscheepers.co.za is able to offer one of the products reviewed to the readers in a competition. For competitions the winner needs to receive their prize directly from the company supplying the product for review. Also it is encouraged that you provide a discount code for any orders that can be placed online.
Promotional Posts:
I regularly feature brands in dedicated promotional posts or campaigns on my blog for a fee. This fee is to cover my time, exposure on my blog, backlinks to your site and access to my loyal audience. Promotional posts feature supplied content along with photos or video content, links to your site and promotion via my social media channels. Alternatively you can commission me to write about a particular topic or suggested talking points. The fee is the same. The brands and promotional posts that I choose to promote on my blog will always be at my discretion in line with the brand.
If you are interested in having your product, website, or services reviewed, or to advertise on www.ruanscheepers.co.za , or would like more information on my current website statistics and social media reach, please email me via ruan@ruanscheepers.co.za .