Riaad Moosa & Friends this December at the new Globe at Suncoast

The prognosis is in!  ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ and Dr Riaad Moosa is insisting that it is your best course of medication! 

Research has shown that laughter is good for your health; it relaxes the whole body; boosts the immune system, triggers the release of endorphins; protects the heart and burns calories!  Which means that it’s for your own good that you do not miss the third edition of Riaad Moosa & Friends at the brand new venue The Globe at Suncoast Casino on 22 December, 2018.

Joining Riaad Moosa for a top-notch night of entertainment are his good friends – and some of South Africa’s biggest comedy heavyweights – Annalakshmi, Celeste Ntuli, Chris Forrest, Joey Rasdien, Mo Vawda, Ndumiso Lindi, Neil Green, Rory Petzer, Sagie Murugan and Simmi Areff.

With this royal flush of SA comedy giants, this is guaranteed to be a show of hysterical proportions.

Get your prescription of laughter with Riaad Moosa & Friends as they take hilarity to the next level. The show is rated PG16.  Tickets are available from R185 per person and can be booked through Computicket. 

Another great production brought to you by your friends at Blu Blood.  You’re welcome!  After all, what are friends for?  Visit www.blublood.com for more information. 

About the comedians:

As an award-winning comedian, actor, writer and presenter, Riaad Moosa is one of South Africa’s most popular and acclaimed funny men – and he happens to be a qualified medical doctor too.  He certainly seems to have the remedy for the nation’s ills – a healthy dose of laughter, straight up – and hold the aspirin.

It all started when a promo video for her restaurant went viral. Anasia Govender – better known as her stage character, Annalakshmi – takes musical comedy about being an Indian National taking refuge in South Africa to the next level.

Queen of Zulu Comedy, Celeste Ntuli, has always been a joker, so it was no surprise when she decided to pursue comedy as a career.  Guaranteed to have audiences in stitches, Celeste straight forward, bold and outspoken, traits which have fans coming back for more.

Chris Forrest has been on the forefront of the SA comedy scene since the late 90’s. His unique dry sense of humour, quick wit and intelligent comedy has made him one of the country’s most popular comedians.

Joey Rasdien is instantly recognisable.  His endearing stage persona is intellectually absurd, physically hysterical and thought-provoking. He not only makes you laugh but makes you think as well.

A new generation of Durban comedians has burst onto the scene and Mo Vawda is securing his spot with his stand-out performances, clean-cut material and knack for accents, sharing hilarious stories about being a doctor (in statistics), married life, living in SA or travelling abroad.

Ndumiso Lindi, the gentleman of South African comedy, otherwise known as Roosta, effortlessly blends new-age style with old-school traditions.  His deep voice, soul-warming smile, booming laughter, original content and seamless delivery makes for a comedy act that is outstanding and soulfully South African.  

Having established himself as a rising star in SA comedy, Neil Green is one of Durban’s funniest and well-respected comedians. His sharp wit, commanding stage presence and his hilariously honest take on life have won him legions of fans throughout the country.

No stranger to Durban audiences, Rory Petzer is happiest with a microphone in his hand.  He is a natural at making people laugh hysterically with his hilarious jokes and witty puns.

One of Durban’s well-seasoned comedians, Sagie Murugan brings his own unique flavour to the stage as he captivates his audiences with a special brand of laugh out loud comedy, tackling stereotypes and narrating hilarious tales.

Simmi Areff was rated one of the top up and coming comedians in the country.  Go ahead and ask him!  This much-loved comedian started his career while completing his journalism degree.  Having toured extensively around the country, Simmi’s witty tongue-in-cheek comedy has made a strong contender in the industry.

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