MbChb student, Cameron Joseph understands that a good doctor treats a disease, but a great doctor treats a patient.
Growing up with two parents in the healthcare industry, Cameron Joseph has always seen medicine as his home and the place where he belongs. “It’s always been the niche where I wanted to make a difference,” says this 4th year MbChb student. Classmate and clinical partner Joshua Goldberg describes Cameron as someone that understand that a good doctor treats a disease but a great doctor treats a patient.
With his passion for paediatrics and community health, Cameron was paired with mentor Professor Liesl Zühlke. An award winning leader in her field of paediatric cardiology and a research and global health advocate, Zühlke is the associate Professor in Paediatric Cardiology at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital. “Mentorship is critical for young healthcare professionals,” says Prof. Zühlke. “What you teach during those times are what you can’t teach in the classroom or the lecture halls or from the books. It also shows where the passions lie, why people do what they do.”
The registered NPO Prof. Zühlke nominated is The Children’s Hospital Trust.
In the first season, Adcock Ingram OTC celebrated a raft of unsung heroes from the country’s health system, profiling professionals from private practice to civil service, from academia, pharmacy, and the nonprofit sector.
Now the second season is in full swing, seeking the next generation of healthcare heroes – people like Veneshley who are newly working in or studying towards a career in healthcare and can benefit from the guidance and support of a mentor.
If you know any aspiring, current or recently graduated healthcare students or are one yourself, submit a nomination to stand a chance to win.
Each week, until November 25, 2020 a new nominee is chosen and featured. All ten feature nominees will be paired with a selected mentor for career development, as well as stand a chance to win one of two R25 000 scholarships.
If you know any aspiring, current or recently graduated healthcare students or are one yourself, submit a nomination to stand a chance to win: https://partners.24.com/SponsorsofBrave/Nominations/index.html